Thursday, March 24, 2011


I was sitting in the parking lot of Kroger tonight, waiting for my husband to get some groceries. I had my first battle with some serious nausea today, so was sitting comfortably in the car. I'd had a long day-tired, achy, lots of stress at work, learning, growing. Growing. I looked up and saw this monster of a Bradford Pear tree, all in bloom, and it was beautiful. Now, they may smell like a mix of that-time-of-the-month and a little something that helped to make this baby (hey, that's discreet, right?)...but they look gorgeous.

And it hit me. All of the struggles that are going on around me and within me, the craziness I'm dealing with in life, relationships,'s growing me. And while I've realized that to an extent for a while, it was like a little lightbulb went off in my head. This is a growing season. Spring has sprung, plants are blooming, new life is forming before my eyes. As my belly continues to grow, and this baby continues to grow, so I am growing inwardly. God is using this time for His purposes, and to mold and shape me a little more into His image. The Growing Season. Hey, that's a great name for a blog. I'm going to go home and start that.

And here I am. In the midst of my growing season. I hope to share my experiences on this new journey of new life being created, and also on my journey of new life that God has created within me, as a person. What He's teaching me, how He is using circumstances that appear bad or less than ideal, and turning them into beautiful ways to bring glory to Himself. And how he's chipping away at the things in me that aren't so pride, my selfishness, my self-worth that is found in so many things other than Christ.

This will be a beautiful season.

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